
Bathroom Sink Cleaning

Cleaning the bathroom sink should be a daily chore. It is easy and only takes about 5 minutes or less if you only have the sink, faucet and maybe a mirror to worry about.

To begin put on your gloves. Dip a sponge or rag into a water and cleaner solution and wipe down the counter, the sink and the faucet.

Using an old toothbrush, dip it in the cleaning solution and scrub the faucet and the parts of the sink with hard to remove stains.

When that is complete rinse clean with a damp rag to completely remove the cleaner residue.

Using window cleaner and a squeegee (to avoid streaks), clean the mirror.

And that's all she wrote for bathroom sink cleaning!


Before you go, once a month drop a Sani-Clean Stick into your sink drain to keep it free-flowing...

: : Bathroom Sink Cleaning

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